Wednesday, December 28, 2011

G B Mooney Novels E Book Sale $0.99

THANK YOU!! E Book Sale $0.99
The distributors of my books do not provide names of purchasers. I would like to be able to be able to thank everyone who has purchased one of my novels. Since that isn’t possible, I’m thanking EVERYBODOY !
To show my appreciation, for the next two months I’m reducing the price of all my E Book novels to $0.99. If you have a Kindle, Nook , or other equipment to read EBooks, please consider this offer. Offer is available from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Just go to their website and search my name, G B Mooney or go to my website
If you have friends who are E Book readers they may want to take advantage of this sale to inexpensively sample my writing.
Have a Happy New Year.
Jerry Mooney

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Novels

G B Mooney Fiction Adventure Romance Intrigue Novels
Cold War Intrigue--Jihad Bio-Terror--Nuclear Power Accident--Entertainment World—US Electric Generation and Distribution Grid System Attack.

Reviewer comments: “Page turner, dynamic, dramatic, heart rending, enthralling, moving, mesmerizing, romantic, sensual, educational, historical, Best last chapter I’ve ever read”. Novels are available as E Books ($4.99-$2.99) or hard copy from Amazon & Barnes & Noble.

Visit Jerry’s website:
Would love to have you as a friend and reader!! Reader comments make my life worthwhile.

Novel Short Descriptions:

The Last American Hero
A US pilot on a recon mission is shot down over Russia and is near death in a Siberian work camp. He is rescued by the politically high placed father of the female pilot who had shot him down. He leads a life of espionage and romance in the USSR, Vietnam and the US.

The Persian Viper
An Iraqi plot to poison major US cities water supply systems is discovered by U.S. intelligence. Can the US team derail the terrorist plot before millions of citizens die?

Silk Songbird
A stunningly beautiful, sensual female singer has a meteoric rise to the top of the entertainment world and gets entangled with unscrupulous and dangerous people.

The Blue Hole
A Nuclear Power plant disaster affects the power plant managers, government, media and inhabitants who live near the power plant. Was the accident really sabotage?

Multi-national Terrorists destroy the US electrical power generation and distribution system. Chaos, anarchy and rebellion erupt as water, food and medical attention disappear and the US is invaded.

Complete Information is available on my

Visit my face book page at:
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Neither Amazon, Barnes and Noble or my Publishers provide names of people who buy my Novel hard copies or E books. It's frustrating because I can't thank the peoplewho support my work. You know who you are...... SO THANKS. Would appreciate your review/comments. Send to


Thursday, October 20, 2011

My new Novel AMERASIA

I'm pleased to announce that my latest novel, Amerasia, has been published and is available via Amazon  EBook at an introductory price of $2.99.
G B Mooney

The USA, weakened by years of war and natural, economic and political disasters, is the target of a multi-national terrorist attack. Major electrical generation, distributions and communication systems are suddenly destroyed. In five minutes the USA is shut down. As the USA crumbles its leader’s frantically attempt to solve the crisis and restore order. Instead of receiving help from International leaders, the USA is betrayed by foreign governments who plan to seize control and include the USA in a One World Government.

Prior to the attack, most US citizens were blithely unaware of the vulnerability of the pipeline that provided required daily biological needs. The destruction of the pipeline quickly causes panic, starvation and terror for the unprepared.

Within week’s chaos, anarchy and rebellion erupt as citizen’s fight to provide water, food and medical attention for their families.
Can the USA recover?

Please visit Bookstore---- G B Mooney books

Wednesday, July 13, 2011



I submitted the below letter to my local newspaper's "Letter to the Editor" section.
During our President’s recent news conference he stated that those elected to Congress and Senate in 2010 were elected by the people who didn’t understand the facts and those elected shouldn’t’ listen to the people. In other words, the people are stupid. The president then continued stating that resolution of our problems was best handled by “professional politicians”. Yeah, they sure have been doing an excellent job. How arrogant, the people are stupid! When did our system of governing change?

Letter to Editor:

I saved a Dilbert cartoon published 12/18/07
Dilbert, speaking at a school Career Day, describes a career in Engineering: “My job involves explaining things to idiots. Then the idiots make decisions based on misinterpreting what I said. Then it is my job to try and fix the massive problems caused by bad decisions. Eventually, rumors overwhelm facts, and I give up. In the final phase I assign blame to an unpopular coworker.”
I once was an Engineering Manager for a company that designed and manufactured nuclear equipment for the Naval Nuclear Program. My counterpart in The Bureau of Ships (DC) was a Political Science grad!  Developing “work arounds” to overcome government incompetence was a daily chore.
I was also privileged to work for a real leader. He was the “go to manager” who resolved difficult problems. He once assembled a team and resolved a problem deemed unresolveable by “idiots”. The team diagnosed the problem in a week and proposed a solution. The “idiots: took credit and said it would take nine months to complete the fix. The team designed a fix, had parts made to test the fix, had the fix certified, then had new parts manufactured and installed in nine weeks.
The team had a sign made for the team leader to commemorate his leadership. The sign, hung in the leader’s office, said:

The “idiots” took full credit for solving the problem and down played the action of the leader and his team.

I’ll let the readers decide how the above relates to DC.
Here’s a clue: There are leaders and “leaders”. Leaders are doers; “leaders” are talkers.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Separation Of States

G B Mooney Novels

Post 2012 Election Suggestion
Separation of States

I have a suggestion that will make everybody happy. I know it will be acceptable to the liberals because Joe Biden once proposed a similar solution for Iraq.
Here it is! Get ready! Keep an open mind!
All the Blue States should organize into a new country called The USSA, The United Socialist States of America.
The Red States should retain their status as the USA, as it was before FDR, the New Deal, The War on Poverty and the Warren Supreme Court; the beginning of the USA slide into Socialism.
I know the colors are wrong but I didn’t want to confuse anyone. You can explain this to people who don’t understand by telling them that people from the old USSR where called “Reds”.
Thank you for the applause. There will be some minor problems to work out but I think everybody will be happy. I know the Blues will be happy to move people who disagree with them from Blue to Red states. I’m not sure about the people in the Red states. They will probably tell the “Blues” to “Take a hike, the free ride is over”.

Today’s  Ponderism:
If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?

Thursday, June 9, 2011


G B Mooney Author
Please check out my revised website    

One day, long ago, my son asked, “Who was the first person to eat an egg that dropped out of a chicken’s butt?”
A few years later he asked, “How do they make Teflon stick to pots and pans?”
This questioning became routine. I would reply, “I’ll have to ponder that.”
This has evolved into a  Ponderism file.
 A new simple ponderism is- If Federal Express and UPS merged would the new company be called FedUp?  .
This replaced- Would you ship anything fragile with a company whose name is pronounced OOPS? Making up new Ponderisms became a game in our family.
This following is a for real, disturbing Ponderism:
During the summer of 1991 my neighbor Bob sat down on our patio and said, “You’re going to love our next president. He was the most corrupt governor ever elected in Arkansas.”
Bob was a former Air Force Colonel/ Wing Commander during WWII and flew 30+  B17 missions over Germany. He was also a retired, successful, high end real estate sales business owner, and self proclaimed Arkansas rice farmer. In the neighborhood he was known as “the walking encyclopedia”.
He knew more about natural medicine than any doctor I’ve ever known. I’d had a sinus infection for years that had not been cured by many doctors who prescribed many drugs. Bob gave me a bunch of vitamins and other minerals. A few weeks later I blew a lot of green jello out of my nose and was cured! Still am!
What I’m trying to establish is that Bob was very intelligent.
When he made his presidential prediction I started to laugh. I’d never heard of William Jefferson Clinton.
Bob stormed off and came back with some “newspapers”, the equivalent of our present Political Blogs. The newspapers were full of stories, with pictures of important looking people shaking hands with a young Clinton. The headlines proclaimed that Clinton had agreed to terms and would be the next president.
I said that I didn’t recognize the people shaking hands with the future pres, and that the paper stories could be political crap.
Bob stormed off again. The next day he returned with sheets of paper scotched taped together. The paper was a copy of the roster of the US branch of The Council on Foreign Relations. David Rockefeller was identified as the founder of the US branch of the CFR. A statement, reportedly from his biography, promoting a one world government, was included.
Bob had brought along his papers and spent an hour pointing out the people in the photos and pointing to their names on the roster.  The roster identified top leaders from industry, education, finance, banking, investment houses, transportation, media, entertainment, the arts, government, military etc, who were members of the CFR. Many of the government people I recognized as being in the Federal government no matter which party was in power, I was impressed but skeptical.
I noticed that President George H W Bush was shown at the top of the roster and that Clinton was shown as the Democratic nominee for the 1992 election.
I asked, “What’s Bush have to say about this? Did he agree?”
Bob showed me another article in one of the papers that, paraphrased, reported, “Bush’s boys will be taken care of and one of them could run after Clinton’s term.”
I laughed out loud. Bob shook his head and went home.
During the 1992 presidential campaign I observed that Bush didn’t seem to be enthusiastic. Others noticed also. There was an incident during a debate when Bush was observed looking at his watch. He said he was just seeing how much time was left in the debate. Many wrote that he didn’t seem to be running hard.
Bush lost. Amazingly Jeb and W both were in high visibility business positions and both became governors of major states. The rest is history.
After Clinton was elected Bob often reminded me of his prediction. He died before W and Jeb became governors and before W became president so I escaped further ridicule.
I still have the scotched taped roster he gave me. Many of the people on the roster are still in high positions in the federal government.
This experience caused a major, serious Ponderism:
Who really selects presidential candidates? Do the big shots that do the selecting care who wins or do they control all the candidates?
I know for the past several presidential elections I have held my nose while voting.
Will we ever be blessed and have another Jefferson or Adams arrive to help us recover?  

Saturday, May 14, 2011


            Save this blog and tuck it away for future reference. When your friends exclaim "Where is this guy coming from?” you can smile knowingly. Having read this, my first blog, you will be able to explain and comment wisely.
            My blogs will be a little (sometimes even a lot) off center and will address political, business and personal issues that boggle my mind. Gross stupidity and incompetence drive me up the wall.  I have a compunction to call items to the attention of those who normally only read or listen to the conventional media.
            As promised, the following is a short synopsis of the events that have shaped my perceptions.
            Life as a child was not easy. My Irish catholic family barely survived the 1929 depression. Parts of three families lived in a coal company owned house in western Pennsylvania. We slept in shifts; I can still remember being cold and hungry.
            Enlisting in the Army got me out into the world. The G.I. Bill allowed me to start night school. I commuted 60 miles, three or four times a week, to the University of Pittsburgh. My wife and children patiently endured my absence while I worked full time during the day and devoted evenings to completing an Engineering degree. After eight grueling years I became the first in my family to earn a college degree. It took five additional years to pay off my college tuition loans.
            During the next thirty years I worked for two major corporations; one a manufacturer of electrical equipment, the other an equipment manufacturer for Naval and Commercial Nuclear Power Plants. My last employer, on a regular basis, dismissed older, high salaried people and replaced them with entry salary kids. Realizing that future employment did not depend on performance, effort or loyalty, my bride and I started to develop fallback sources of financial security.  During a ten-year period, with the help of banks, we started or purchased a direct sales organization, an employment agency, a beauty salon, an apartment complex, and three Dairy Queen Braziers. My employer advised me to sell my outside businesses or face termination. I resigned; at age forty-nine, to devout full time to my own companies. I also worked as an Engineering and Business Consultant for my past employers and others, finally retiring in 1990.
            Now for some serious confessions: I was an Altar Boy and a Boy Scout (this disclosure often causes snickering among my friends). Once I unwittingly attended a meeting of far right John Birch Society; my "friend" said he was taking me bowling. Of course this is counter balanced by the fact that I was a member of a Union whose organizer was jailed because he was an illegal emigrant subversive communist! And now the absolute worst disclosure; I was once a member of The National Rifle Association!! At one time I even owned a semi-automatic handgun and rifle.  I guess I am a latent criminal.
            The summation of my experiences has flavored my view of Big Business, government bureaucrats, politicians, talk show hosts, the TV talking heads and others who have never had a real job or worked for or owned a business that had to make a profit to survive. My politically incorrect viewpoint will undoubtedly get me into serious trouble with the Thought Police. Until they catch me (I plan to move --often) I hope to provide you with a few light moments and topics for discussion.
            Occasionally I will devote an entire column to MIND BOGGLERS, both mine and those you care to tell me about. Write to me if you discover something that just blows your mind. I welcome your comments; some will even be given careful consideration. Just kidding, I will give you full credit if I include your input in a blog.
            Let's have some fun with the stuffed shirts, and remember, save this blog !!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

GBMooney Novels

Just started my blog. Hope you will find it entertaining, interesting, provocative, educational and worth your valuable time.
I have four published fiction/adventure/romance/intrigue novels.
My website:, is presently being updated.
Tune in for updates
