Friday, June 8, 2012

Vietnam War POW's----Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda has written a new book and is being touted as "The woman of the Century"

If you have read my novel "The Last American Hero"; My March 26, 2012 Blogged Poem, written by Major Mike O'Donald  (MIA);John McCains horrific experience as a Vietnam POW; and knew that a good friends brother, a Navy Pilot is still MIA, you will understand why I'm blogging this email.
It was sent to me by a close personal friend who was a pilot during the Vietnam war. I credited him as source of info in my novel.

The Email:
Never Forget!  Never!   

> I'd like to know your take on her????
> Subject: Barbara Walters on Jane Fonda      I am sending this one out
> because so many do not know this truth...
> And also because she was on 3 times this week talking about her new book...
> And how good she feels in her 70's... She still does not know what she did
> wrong..her book just may not make the best list if more people knew...
> Also...
> Barbara   Walters said:
> Thank you all.  Many died in Vietnam for our freedoms.
> I did not like Jane Fonda then and I don't like her now.
> She can lead her present life the way she wants and perhaps SHE can forget
> the past, but we DO NOT have to stand by without comment and see her
> "honored" as a "Woman of the Century."
> (I remember this well)
> For those who served and/or died. . .
> And now President OBAMA wants to honor her......!!!!
> In Memory of LT. C.Thomsen Wieland who spent 100 days at the Hanoi Hilton
> [Famous North Vietnam Prison]
> WILL KNOW!!!!!!
> This is for all the kids born in the 70's and after who do not remember, and
> didn't have to bear the burden that our fathers, mothers and older brothers
> and sisters had to bear.
> Jane   Fonda is being honored as one of the '100 Women of the Century.'
> Unfortunately, many have forgotten and still countless others have never
> known how Ms. Fonda betrayed not only the idea of our country, but specific
> men who served and sacrificed during the Vietnam War.
> The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot.
> The pilot's name is Jerry Driscoll , a River Rat.
> In 1968, the former Commandant of the USAF Survival School was a POW in Ho
> Lo Prison the ' Hanoi Hilton .'
> Dragged from a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in
> clean PJ's, he was ordered to describe for a visiting American 'Peace
> Activist' the 'lenient and humane treatment' he'd received.
> He s pat at Ms. Fonda , was clubbed, and was dragged away.  During the
> subsequent beating, he fell forward on to the camp Commandant 's feet, which
> sent that officer berserk.
> In 1978, the Air Force Colonel still suffered from double vision (which
> permanently ended his flying career) from the Commandant's frenzied
> application of a wooden baton.
> From 1963-65, Col. Larry Carrigan was in the 47FW/DO (F-4E's). He spent 6
> years in the ' Hanoi   Hilton '...the first three of which his family only
> knew he was 'missing in action'. His wife lived on faith that he was still
> alive.  His group, too, got the cleaned-up, fed and clothed routine in
> preparation for a 'peace delegation' visit.
> They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the world that
> they were alive and still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of paper,
> with his Social Security Number on it, in the palm of his hand.  When
> paraded before Ms. Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line, shaking each
> man's hand and asking little encouraging snippets like: 'Aren't you sorry
> you bombed babies?' and 'Are you grateful for the humane treatment from your
> benevolent captors?' Believing this HAD to be an act, they each palmed her
> their sliver of paper.                >
> She took them all without missing a beat.. At the end of the line and once
> the  camera stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she
> turned to the officer in charge and handed him all the little pieces of
> paper...
> Three men died from the subsequent beatings. Colonel Carrigan was almost
> number four but he survived, which is the only reason we know of her actions
> that day.
> I was a civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam , and was captured
> by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and held
> prisoner for over 5 years.
> I spent 27 months in solitary confinement; one year in a cage in Cambodia ;
> and one year in a 'black box' in Hanoi .   My North Vietnamese captors
> deliberately poisoned and murdered a female missionary, a nurse in a
> leprosarium in Banme Thuot , South Vietnam , whom I buried in the jungle
> near the Cambodian border.  At one time, I weighed only about 90 lbs. (My
> normal weight is 170 lbs)
> We were Jane Fonda 's 'war  criminals....'
> When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi , I was asked by the camp communist political
> officer if I would be willing to meet with her.  I said yes, for I wanted to
> tell her about the real treatment we POWs received... And how different it
> was from the treatment purported by the North Vietnamese, and parroted by
> her as 'humane and lenient.'
> Because of this, I spent three days on a rocky floor on my knees, with my
> arms outstretched with a large steel weight placed on my hands, and beaten
> with a bamboo cane.
> I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda soon after I was released.  I
> asked her if she would be willing to debate me on TV.  She never did answer
> me.
> These first-hand experiences do not exemplify someone who should be honored
> as part of '100 Years of Great Women.' Lest we forget....' 100 Years of
> Great Women' should never include a traitor whose hands are covered with the
> blood of so many  pat riots.
> There are few things I have strong visceral reactions to, but Hanoi Jane's
> partici pat ion in blatant treason, is one of them. Please take the time to
> forward to as many people as you possibly can.. It will eventually end up on
> her computer and she needs to know that we will never forget.
> USAF 716 Maintenance Squadron,
> Chief of Maintenance DSN: 875-6431 COMM : 883-6343

My Request- Please forward this to your friends.  Thank You--- Jerry

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

On my Own----- There is hope!

ON MY OWN-------YEAH??????     
The following was written before the Wisconsin Governor  Walker Recall vote.
Remember President Obama’s speech declaring that if Republicans are elected the people of the US would be on their own?
 The Insinuation: Sick people would die. Old people would die. Kids with illness would die. Kids would not be educated. Bridges would collapse. Etc.
 Perhaps I overstated, but that was my impression of the point he was making. The Dems had just shown a TV add where an old woman in a wheel chair was shoved off a cliff by a Republican
I was born a few years before the start of the big recession. My family was frequently cold and hungry but we survived. My mother and my aunts worked as servants for the owners of a Coal Company. We were despised “Shanty Irish”.
I started working when I was ten, searching through a junk yard dump heap for metal to sell to a junk dealer for pennies.
At fourteen I got my first paying job as a dish washer and clean up boy in a restaurant.
At eighteen I was in the military and at twenty had my first real job as a mechanical draftsman
While married and raising a family I commuted sixty miles to night school for eight years and earned an engineering degree.
While working full time for two corporations I bought or started six small businesses,
At age forty nine I resigned from my day job and worked sixteen hours a day, seven days a week, running my own businesses.
Along the way I contributed my share of taxes to many government agencies, the last being a huge Capital gains tax when I sold my businesses and retired.
My great employees earned salaries and paid taxes.
In total my businesses paid governments more in fees and taxes than I made in profit!
I’m still on my own, living on a fixed income, trying to survive on money I saved and invested.
The huge cost of living increase caused by skyrocketing price of food and gasoline has caused concern about my future. My retirement money is being rapidly depleted because of the rapid price hikes.
Still, I’m proud that I gave been on my own for most of my life.

Notice all the “I’S in the preceding?
I was on my own, working hard to fulfill my dreams.

So, Mister President, why can’t everybody be “on their own”?
I know some people will always need help but:
Why is my future threatened because I am paying for people who receive government dollars (my tax money) who are:
Too lazy to get out of bed and get a job.
Fat, drunk, or on drugs and therefore are “handicapped” and get paid for not working
Have a government do nothing “Job”
Get freebies like Cell Phones
Get Government subsidized housing and food stamps without being required to work.

I understand the politics and that the Gimmee people will vote to keep providers in office.
The Gimmee people who are given everything they need to survive have no motivation to work.
Your statement that people who disagree with you are misinformed (Stupid) was an insult.
I will always voluntarily contribute time and money to private organizations that help people who really need help.
As a comedian recently said:
“I will help buy a safety net…..but I don’t want to buy somebody a hammock.”
We will know after the next election if the USA will survive.
Just in case, I’m looking for a place to go where I can still be:
Note: June 6, 2012
There is hope—Thank you Wisconsin Governor Walker.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Stop Government Waste and Corruption

The following is based on my experience in dealing with multiple Federal, State and Local government agencies as an employee of two major corporations, as an Engineering/Business Management Consultant and as a Business Owner:

Newt Gingrich once spoke about the inefficiency of the Federal Governments system of accounting for the expenditure of your tax dollars.
He compared the governments accounting system to the computer programs Federal Express uses to track millions of packages every day. Fed Ex customer can track the location of a shipment anywhere in the world, in seconds.
Newt described the government accounting as “Men with green eye shades sitting at high top desks recording data with quill pens.”
 A dramatic statement for effect, but I got the point. I realized that the real point is that the Federal Government would apparently be happy to keep spending “cloudy”. The murkiness covers turf building, boondoggles and corruption.
The recent activities of the GSA certainly would support my conclusion. Expensive “parties” in Hawaii and Las Vegas have been reported. It has also been reported that “Stay at home” employees, doing who knows what, are also being paid for travel! What are they doing and where are they going?
Another ploy is setting up dummy businesses and then awarding contracts to the dummy business.
Successful privately owned businesses are constantly vigilant and must prevent waste. Every non-productive or stolen dollar steals the profit of ten dollars in sales. Well run companies prosper. Poorly run companies who do not audit, by internal and external people, go bankrupt
Taxpayer money being wasted or stolen is rampant. This has been true for decades. Instead of the government going bankrupt, money is borrowed and taxes are raised.
I have said, many times, we need successful, hard nosed business men/woman running for elected office. They would recognize the need for oversight by both government and non-government audit.
They should only be elected if they have a vetted, proven, honest track record and should only serve a maximum of two terms.
“Stop the waste and corruption” would be an election slogan that would grab my attention.
I sincerely hope you are informed and engaged.
Time is running out.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The most dangerous man in the US Government

Federal law--- implementation and enforcement
Hopefully (?) US citizens are familiar with how federal laws are written, debated, passed by Congress and the Senate and then signed into law by the president.
Most people do not know how laws are implemented and enforced.
Non-elected appointed government lawyers and their staffs convert laws into CFR’s, the Code of Federal Regulation (CFR’s)
What happens in the translation and enforcement depends, in many instances, on the philosophy of the lead lawyers. CFR’s can be revised without further input/review by elected officials.
Currently the lead “Regulation Czar”, appointed by President Obama, is Cass Sunstein. The right calls him “the most dangerous man in the US government”. Google Sunstein’s name if you are not familiar with his positions on things like energy. President Obama said he would bankrupt the fossil fuel industry The fossil fuel industry is presently screaming about the thirty plus new regulation that Sunstein has issued that “will bankrupt their industry”.
In the past CFR document have been revised and issued to control manufacturing deemed undesirable by environmentalists. In my home area in western Pennsylvania  CFR/ EPA requirements contributed to the closure of Steel Mills, coal mining and coke ovens, causing major job providers to move to Canada.
The Clean Air Act CFR forced the closure of a friend’s iron foundry. The factory had been started by my friend’s grandfather to manufacture manhole covers for world wide users. My friend got a second mortgage on his house and scraped together every penny available to install the best air pollution control equipment available. The equipment missed meeting requirement by a percentage point. The EPA forced him to shut down or be fined $5,000 per day. Jobs lost-lives destroyed. The EPA knew the requirements could not be meet with existing scrubbing equipment.
The Clean Air Act also forced the closure of foundries in two large manufacturing plants in my home town. Eventually both plants shut down. More lives destroyed.
The endangered species act CFR has been used to stop construction of flood control dams and electrical generation plants.
Senator Harry Reid threatened to put game birds on the threatened species list to force agreement on an unrelated issue. Barney Frank used the act to stop construction of a commercial site on a river in his district.
I worked in the Nuclear Power industry. We were controlled by 10CFR50 Appendix B. The CFR imposed American Society of Mechanical Engineers codes and standards on nuclear power plant pressure containing equipment. The ASME issued an appendix to their codes every year. Each appendix was about an inch thick. Every three years the code was updated by incorporating all the appendices.
When we placed an order for equipment the Code in affect (including all appendices) on the purchase date was the code used for design, manufacturing and testing.
Insiders in the government who opposed nuclear power allowed people, who were not involved in the construction of power plants, to participate in the review/licensing process for nuclear power plants. The “interveners” were allowed to attend Hearings and question every aspect of the design, construction and operation of the plant. The intervener’s intent was to delay construction, increase cost and dissuade nuclear power plant construction. The delays bankrupted the construction of 5 nuclear power plants in Washington State (WOOPS).
The nuclear CFR was changed to require the ASME code for equipment design/manufacturing/testing to be based on the date of the Construction Permit for the plant. The years of delay interveners injected in the Licensing and Permit process required equipment manufacturers to review the new code appendix every year and to certify that design/manufacturing/testing meet the “new” code or to revise or scrap the equipment.
The one sentence change in the CFR was costing my employer ten million dollars a year. It took me three years of intense lobbying and support of a future US Secretary of State and a US Senator to get the CFR change to be rescinded.
Recently a US Senator on TV described the mayhem that is being caused by the deluge of new regulations that could destroy the country.
The EPA has evidently caused the shutdown of fossil fuel companies. An EPA executive resigned recently because of a “Crucifixion” (control of dissidents) reference.
This destruction of the US economy is not new. It has been has been in process for fifty years.
If we allow the present slide to continue the Greatest Country in the World will decline to Third World Status.
Please research the goals of the environmentalist movement and who is funding them. The crazy ones want to shut down US industry, imprison CEO’s, and have you live in communes while riding bicycles! We would become the old China and China will become the “new” USA.
If you don’t become informed and actively participate (write/email/call your elected reps, write letters to editors and VOTE) you will be responsible for the future!!
Get busy!!!!!
Don’t be discouraged if you get an “Auto Responses” or are brushed off by a snippy phone answer person. Be persistent and report non-responsive actions to newspaper “Letter to the editor” pages. Post responses on community bulletin boards.
A word of caution: While trying to get “Officials” to review or take action on a potential terrorist plot (before and after 9/11) my computer screen suddenly displayed a skull and cross bones and a “Die Bastard” epitaph. My computer screen went blank and my hard drive was wiped out. This occurred after I forwarded a CDC (Center for Disease Control) Report about potential deliberate contamination of our water supply system, which supported my concerns, to a Federal Cabinet Member.  She didn’t know that the CDC( under her direction,)  supported a concern that she said could not and did not exist. I had also, just prior to my computer malfunction, sent an email to a Federal “threat advisement group” formed after 9/11, advising that the new “System” wasn’t working because all emails and phone calls were being rejected due to “overload of their system”!   
Document your activity, back up your hard drive and have a good security program for your computer.
Finally, don’t bug or lecture your friends. Bug your elected officials! BE INFORMED AND VOTE!!
I don’t care if you are a liberal or conservative: