Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Media and Poltical Crap

Ft Myers News-Press opinion page, March 10, 2012
WOW-Five mailbag letters, a guest opinion and a cartoon all with a pro Obama theme.
I’m an independent who observes politics from the right and left. I watch MSNBC and Fox News, read The News Press and follow many bloggers from the left and right. The News Press published my mailbag letter requesting readers to do the same and base their voting on their own conclusions. A recent Dan Warner editorial made the same point and request.
I’m retired, living on a fixed income. During the last 3 years the huge increase in the cost of food and gasoline has been damaging. The cost of my Part B Medical Care Supplement just increased 30%. The appraised value of my home has decreased but taxes haven’t.  The bailout of GM did not help me. The value of my investments in GM went to zero. I didn’t receive a “bail out” for the loss of my investments.
I’m also aware that the President and his staff are frequently disingenuous. When the President declared that if you bought a hybrid car the fuel savings would pay for the car in three years I was amused. Pay for the increase in cost yes, total cost no.
The Government issues frequent report on the number of people filing for first time unemployment benefits. That number, currently around 300, 000 is followed by the “good news”   that 200, 000 new jobs were created. The Media reports the good news. Most thinking people know we have had a net loss of 100,000 jobs in that period. So, how is that good news and how many of the new jobs were government jobs and how many will produce something that can be sold?
Obama’s present theme that Buffett paid a lower tax rate than his secretary is misleading. Define the difference in rates and disclose the $$ paid by both.
His push for Green power has led to financial disasters like Solindra.
His declaration that the Tea Party people (I’m not a member) are misinformed (stupid) and should “let the politicians do their job” was demeaning. So was the president’s statement that he would go around Congress.
The constant declaration that Republicans are doing nothing is misleading; Congress has passed many Bills that the Democratic Senate has refused to consider.
The “Occupy” people and the Gimme Generation irritate me. I served in the Military, worked full time and attended night school for 8 years to earn a degree, worked hard for 2 major Corporations for 30 years and ran my own business for 20 years. Today some young adults think they are entitled to Freebies.
During past presidential elections I had similar opinions about both Republican and Democratic candidates programs and actions.
During this Primary election season both sides have been pointing fingers and slinging mud. The coming Presidential election cycle will be viscous. When the Republican candidate is established I’m sure we will become advised of his similar “failures”.
George Soros, during a TV interview, stated he doesn’t care who wins. That is scary. Think about that!
Many of the voters will not be influenced by political rhetoric or the media. Unfortunately they may not be watching, listening or thinking and just vote based on party.
This, however, may change,. Even the most detached are affected by the obvious steep increase in food and gasoline prices. An empty wallet is difficult to ignore.
Remember the Clinton theme “It’s the economy, stupid”?
This year the Republican theme should be “It’s the high prices, stupid”.


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